It All Started With Photoshop

When I was 16, I wanted to learn the details and tools when it came to Photoshop. It wasn’t till college when I was gifted a computer that I would start learning the basics.

I had a professor once say

You will never learn Photoshop in this room. You will learn at home, self taught.
— Professor idk his name

I thought, why am I even paying 3000 for this class? I was extremely mad and disappointed. Now, I understand completely. Every YouTube video I’ve watched, every class I took never taught me the ways that worked for me. Pieces maybe, but I have found my own efficient ways.

From face swaps to filling in backgrounds to adding unrealistic nature.

“But why would you want to alter real time?”

Sometimes getting that perfect shot is not as easy as you would think. Why do we use filters?

I have always thought about making a YouTube channel showing friends and clients how I go about creating a piece, but then I think to myself

“People will think I am NUTS”

The extent I go to create a smooth background, or swapping a face..kinda creepy haha. I surprise myself a lot of the times. Sometimes I just wing it till it feels right. Photoshop is my baby. It is where I started to grow. It is why I’ve grown.