
The no. 1 question I get from clients is “where should I print”. This is actually one of my favorite questions because then I get to use part of my other love, interior designing. There is several questions that actually go along with “where is the best place to print”. Are you looking for canvas? Wood mount? Acrylic? Or just a print to put in a frame. It is crazy to me how many ways you can print! The possibilities are endless.

For prints I use a simple site, for example, office max *they also do engineer printing! Definitely look into that on Pinterest! It’s awesome and affordable! Anything more unique I go through HANDS DOWN BEST SITE and I’ve been using it for 11 years.

But did you know there is more than just canvas prints!? Can•vas noun a strong, coarse unbleached cloth made from hemp, flax, cotton, or a similar yarn, used to make items such as sails and tents and as a surface for oil painting. If you’re going for that artsy look that’s your go to! Contemporary or modern? I personally always use wood mounts OR acrylic 😍 acrylic can be prissy so you can always diy and make your own! Get creative!

My last tip. SIZE ALWAYS MATTERS. (like you never heard that before, haha). I’ll tell you now, SKIP THE 8x10! It is more eye catching and pleasing to the brain if you go bigger! (Unless you’re framing a 5x7)
