Since I was young enough to understand, I prayed to God that my aunt Amber & I would one day have children close in age.
My aunt is 28, just two months older than I. We had a very interesting childhood and I wouldn’t change it for the world. How awesome was it for me to be able to go to my grandmas house and also see my best friend every single time.
It feels like just yesterday that I got the text with an image of those two pink lines. There is not enough thank yous to God for answering my prayers. Not only does my children, Ax and Jax get to grow up with a best friend, but she is also having a BOY! Baby Lucas, I already love you so much.
It was such a honor to be able to experience and capture the love between Amber and Eric tonight as they prepare for their first child. I cant wait to watch them grow as parents as well as our kids.