Photoshop update

Hey! I wanted to address another question I normally get with some of my clients.
While shooting, sometimes I get the “well you can just Photoshop the hand out while I’ll hold this up.”

Technically, Yes. But please, don’t underestimate the time that goes into photoshop.

I am starting to charge fees for “levels” of Photoshop elements that are beoynd my control.

  1. Removing LARGE objects. Ex. Holding up a balloon so it look like its floating $15 per image.

  2. Removing, but not limited to, blemishes, scares, etc. on one or more image. $3 per image (depending on size/amount)

  3. Replacing/swapping faces. YES this happens especially with kids. Like Mine. (See img attached) $50

  4. Taking an image off a shirt. Starting at $5 per image.

  5. Taking “in”. I always tell clients I prefer natural look. However, sometimes the client wants what the client wants. $5 per image.

    *Prices are subject to change due to level of difficulty.

Thank you for understanding!