Keep pushing


This moment in time has been stuck in the back of my head for some time now. I have a feeling It may be worth sharing, because it doesn’t pertain to just photography.

My dad surprised and took me to get my first “big girl lens”. My dad had every faith in me when I started my photography business. Crying moment.

*were not naming said shop due to privacy, but know it was a good camera store.

So we get to this ”shop” and my dad was back and fourth with this guy all day on the phone making sure we get the best of the best. So I meet this dude and he asks what I’m looking for. I reply “I’m shooting my first wedding, I need something that can help”. That man looked at me and said “never say shoot, it’s photographing.” Really made me feel dumb. He handed me the lens that was good for everything (ok but really it is bc it’s like the only one I ever use).
He then gives me an assignments and tells me to call him in a week to start taking classes with him ($60 a class). Screw you Jr.

I went home and looked this guys work up. I was dumbfounded. Remember my work is nothing at this point. His work was HORRIBLE. When I say horrible I mean composition, lighting, contrast, colors you name it! I was in art school so I knew my stuff but I knew nothing then about photography so imagine how surprised I was.

So from that moment I told myself there is no better teacher than myself. I’m not being forced by someone else’s skills and style. So I did. I read read read!

You can know your stuff but to use it in life is another thing.

So I shoot, I mean photograph, my first wedding. Disaster. l mean absolutely horrible. My partner and I still laugh about it till this day. Guess I should have learned how to use a flash. This was years ago. Anyways..

What did I do that night? (I had another wedding planned)… I went home bought a flash that you had to manual use. This allowed and taught me from scratch how to move and use lighting. Guess what years later…

I still say shoot and think the word photograph is bull shit.

If you’re passionate enough about something, you’ll do it.