DIY modern | contemporary frame

The no. 1 question I get asked after a session is

”where should I go to get my photos printed on a canvas”

and my response is

“why a canvas?”

I DO not mean this in a negative way or to come off rude. I honestly want to know what draws someone to just canvas. I personally feel that we as artist need to educate our clients and give them the best guidance when it comes to showing off YOUR work in their home.

But boy do I have answers for you. The questions you need to ask yourself are

  1. what kind of style am I trying to achieve.

  2. what is my home aesthetic.

Once you have those answers I can suggest the right option for YOU.

That’ll come with our session. But today’s blog is strictly about those beautiful acrylic, modern | contemporary frames you see that cost hundreds of dollars for one.

If I can make this, so can you.

Here are the supplies you’ll need:

  • 4 acrylic sheets ( I am doing a set of 4) $105

  • Stainless steel screws. You need 4 for each frame. 2 on top two on bottom $18.99

  • adhesive dots $11

  • your prints. I choose a matte finish. $53.39

now you’re going to see I have no idea how to use the correct terms because I am not an everyday pro. So here we go.

The first thing I did was make sure I taped off four corners of my acrylic piece. This way when I drilled my holes I did not crack it. I marked 1 inch for both sides and made my mark where I was going to drill. Do NOT take off the film on either sides. Thanks.

The first set of 4 I ordered cracked, these pieces are very fragile.

I had to find which drill bit fit perfectly with my stainless steel screws. I literally took a scrap piece of acrylic and drilled holes till it matches my stainless steel ones. I was lucky I got it on the second try haha. Husband was sleeping so it was all me.

Um so I didnt take much pics after that because I got into it so now this blog is going to go down hill but ill try my best.

so then I made sure the top of my piece was level with the wall. I did this by taking a piece of painters tap and laying it across the whole wall.

I did get a pic of this

I then marked the 4 holes that I cut by holding the piece up to the wall once aligned with the green tape. I did the first two and screwed the screws half way in and repeat that step on the bottom once the top two were in.

and thats kinda it.

4 pieces for less than $200. In a perfect world I would have gotta another 24x36 piece to sandwhich the image. Instead I used the adhesive circles till I can come up with the additonal $100 for 4 more pieces.