From one mom to another
You ever feel like your life is on auto pilot. Like nothing you say or do is seen or heard. When your husband is sitting there talking to you and for some reason you cant focus because your mind is filled to its capacity with worries and household things that need to be done.
you ever feel like you’re completely empty running on fumes. Like youre a robot that is programmed to clean, cook, work, attend to, listen, be a dr, know everything, be a teacher, maid, caregiver, employee, assistant, planner, accountant, taxi driver, etc.?
you ever lose yourself. Your self worth. Who you are.
ever finally get the baby to sleep, have the other child start crying only to wake the baby up again? And then you cant stop crying. But youre an adult.. why am I crying?
ever feel like youre being judged. Told what you are doing is wrong. Critisized. Told how to do it. What you should be doing. How you should be doing it. Only to end up feeling like youre failing your kids.
*you may think youre giving advice to another mother. Dont give your opinion unless youre asked.
DONT GIVE YOUR OPINION UNLESS YOURE ASKED. Youre hurting that moms selfworth believe it or not. Let HER mother HER way. You dont know her situation or her kids. Or whats right…
youre doing great mama.
ever feel like no matter how much your husband helps you dont think he gets it. Is that selfish?
every felt and have been stripped of your selfworth.
I feel like I complain so much ive skipped the first 5 years of my sons life.
never felt like such a burden. Never felt so guilty. Never apologized to my children so much. My husband. Myself.
what does this have to do with photography?
it doesnt. This is my space to be open. This is me listening to you, moms. Im here. I understand. I know. Doesnt feel like anyone could understand.
I do.